(Maturity of the season of abundance)
It was a Saturday morning at the Marae (a polynesian open air temple) of HAMUTA (the name of a valley in the city of Pirae) that the MAOARAA MATAHITI was celebrated.
Moana’ura, family and friends invited many to celebrate the season of abundance.
You see them here dressing up in their traditional outfit.
Moana’ura is wearing a Tapa (fabric made out of tree bark). The URU bark (from the bread fruit tree) gives this natural white color and the ORA bark (from the banyan tree) this brown red.
Moana’ura is considered the Tahu’a of the clan (Spiritual Leader). He is one of the rare Polynesians that made the choice to revive the Polynesian Religion after researching about it. He managed to gather others to that same cause and they seem to be doing really well and are comfortable living their Tupanas’ religion. The devotees are on their spiritual path and training into the arts of being a Tahu’a. They are looking forward to the day they will be ready to take upon them that responsibility to lead as a Tahu’a and to be able to share their faith with close ones and the world. I think they are already doing a great job in being the ambassadors of our culture.
The morning started with the clan greeting the guests with a welcome ORERO (Polynesian Speech) then they led us to the Marae where the Sacred Ceremony of the MAOARAA MATAHITI was going to take place.
After the invocation prayer to the Polynesian Deities and Tupunas (ancesters) all were invited to bring their offerings to the Alter. Many shared in many ways… A famous writer brought his books…one brought his heart and love and others fruits etc…All of their offerings came from the heart.
So this was the first phase of the celebration…to acknowledge and honor the Polynesian Deities and Tupunas (ancestors).
The second phase was the TUTIARAA (ritual of sacrifice readapted to this time). Moana’ura in his research was inspired to express this notion of sacrifice in a different fashion, in a safer and respectful way.
The flower that they are wearing on the side on their arm is called A’EHO, a sign of abundance when it is in blossom.
It is well known in the ancient knowledge that when this flour was in bloom this was an indicator to the natives that they were entering the season of abundance and harvest. So during this period of the MATAHITI (year) these A’EHO blossoms always called for a MAOARAA MATAHITI celebration .
To show their respect to Mother Earth this is what the clan came up with. The Tahu’a Moana’ura took from the Devotees the A’eho flower to burn and they were to kill the fire with both of their hands to feel Mother Earth’s pain, a reminder to them not to take what She produces for granted but to recognize that each thing we take from her is a sacrifice and this was a way for them to demonstrate their thankfulness and compassion towards her for caring and providing for us people.
What a magnificent testimony and a reminder to all who were invited of the significance of this precious concept… that we are only the attendants of all that surrounds us and to take from creation with all great respect.
So yes I felt so privileged and was very honored to have been invited to celebrate with all in a such beautiful setting.
It was the perfect day, the perfect weather and the people were all so very loving.
The third phase invited those who wished to partake in the Kava Ceremony and I of course went for it (smile). I was to think of the Tupunas while drinking it, a way to reconnect with them. I thought of that moment to be the highlight of the whole Sacred Ceremony. Here was a time set for me to reconnect and acknowledge my ancestors… to be in their presence…I felt so much love and was very moved by the whole experience. Cool!
This kava was prepared way in advance by Moana’ura with great care. He used the fresh roots of the green Kava plant found in his family owned valley. Once mashed he mixed them in coconut water and when filtered the Ceremonial Kava drink was ready to be served.
The Musicians and Ari’oi dancers performed a dance in a very humble and beautiful manner. These four Ari’oi Dancers were like the Muses of the ceremony and brought inspiration and insights through out the Sacred Ceremony.
The opening of AHIMA’A (Polynesian Oven).
There was so much food and drinks… That was a fun and happy part of the day sharing.
This Event is celebrated only once a year and I would like to say to Moana’ura who invited me, to his family, friends and devotees a big MAURUURU (THANK YOU) for the experience. I watched you and I have great respect for what you are doing and your faith.
I was personally impressed by the message that your group were able to send with so much grace to the world…honor and protect our Mother Earth. Beautiful!…..
You all enjoy the pictures in the slide show below.
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